此篇來自于尼爾森最新的Top Ten Mistakes in Web Design,在2007年的升級中,尼爾森再次提出了十大網(wǎng)站設計錯誤。分別是:
1. Bad Search
Overly literal search engines reduce usability in that they're unable to handle typos, plurals, hyphens, and other variants of the query terms. Such search engines are particularly difficult for elderly users, but they hurt everybody.
A related problem is when search engines prioritize results purely on the basis of how many query terms they contain, rather than on each document's importance. Much better if your search engine calls out "best bets" at the top of the list -- especially for important queries, such as the names of your products.
Search is the user's lifeline when navigation fails. Even though advanced search can sometimes help, simple search usually works best, and search should be presented as a simple box, since that's what users are looking for.
注:以下內(nèi)容并不是翻譯 壞的搜索。尼爾森開始質(zhì)疑起了搜索引擎,近年來的搜索引擎的確做的很火,往往你搜索到一個關健詞,搜索引擎按輕重緩急安排搜索結果時,確勿略了可用性。這里尼爾森舉到了產(chǎn)品的例子,比如我想搜索的我自己的產(chǎn)品,但無關緊要的關健字卻排在了第一位。這的確是很失望的事情,想找重要的東西找不著。那么如果把重要的東西排在前面,即改變搜索引擎的機器算法,人工操作改善可用性。那是否背離的搜索引擎的原則?
2. PDF Files for Online Reading
Users hate coming across a PDF file while browsing, because it breaks their flow. Even simple things like printing or saving documents are difficult because standard browser commands don't work. Layouts are often optimized for a sheet of paper, which rarely matches the size of the user's browser window. Bye-bye smooth scrolling. Hello tiny fonts.
Worst of all, PDF is an undifferentiated blob of content that's hard to navigate.
PDF is great for printing and for distributing manuals and other big documents that need to be printed. Reserve it for this purpose and convert any information that needs to be browsed or read on the screen into real web pages.
注:以下內(nèi)容并不是翻譯 在線閱讀PDF文檔。這個不得不說是“流氓行為”,尼爾森認為在線閱讀中斷了用戶的流程,可能用戶就只是打印或下載文檔。我是極為反感adobe的這種方式,但無疑,這也是一種給PDF格式的流行鋪開道路的途徑。你可以認為方式這種是當年的hao123,現(xiàn)在轉(zhuǎn)正為百度了。
3. Not Changing the Color of Visited Links
A good grasp of past navigation helps you understand your current location, since it's the culmination of your journey. Knowing your past and present locations in turn makes it easier to decide where to go next. Links are a key factor in this navigation process. Users can exclude links that proved fruitless in their earlier visits. Conversely, they might revisit links they found helpful in the past. Most important, knowing which pages they've already visited frees users from unintentionally revisiting the same pages over and over again.
These benefits only accrue under one important assumption: that users can tell the difference between visited and unvisited links because the site shows them in different colors. When visited links don't change color, users exhibit more navigational disorientation in usability testing and unintentionally revisit the same pages repeatedly.
注:以下內(nèi)容并不是翻譯 不改變訪問過后的鏈接顏色,這個問題不想說了,目前的網(wǎng)易首頁這一點做的相當好。
4. Non-Scannable Text
A wall of text is deadly for an interactive experience. Intimidating. Boring. Painful to read. Write for online, not print. To draw users into the text and support scannability, use well-documented tricks:
subheads bulleted lists highlighted keywords short paragraphs the inverted pyramid a simple writing style, and de-fluffed language devoid of marketese.
5. Fixed Font Size
CSS style sheets unfortunately give websites the power to disable a Web browser's "change font size" button and specify a fixed font size. About 95% of the time, this fixed size is tiny, reducing readability significantly for most people over the age of 40. Respect the user's preferences and let them resize text as needed. Also, specify font sizes in relative terms -- not as an absolute number of pixels.
上一頁 下一頁 十大網(wǎng)站設計錯誤——2007 [2]